31 Reasons to NOT Quit Your New Year’s Resolution

With the new year coming, people love to talk about resolutions. Resolutions can be important, and the new year is always a good time for reflection on the past and contemplation on plans for the upcoming year. Making plans for the future can bring a lot of satisfaction to someone, and having a goal in mind, can keep you motivated to finish to the end. Making a resolution at the beginning of the year can set you up for success. We are giving you 31 reasons to not quit your new year’s resolution in 2023, Condition 1 Combat style!

  1. Full-Body Workout
    • Martial arts isn’t just an upper-body or lower-body workout. We hit everything! You’ll be sore the morning after your first class, but you’ll be proud of yourself for doing it! At Condition 1, our classes use all muscle groups (including your brain) to give you the best workout possible.
  2. Try Something New
    • Just like getting a new pair of shoes, it’s exciting to try something new! If you’ve been following our page, but haven’t given us a try yet, what’s holding you back? The new year is always a good time to try something new. Come try us on for size, and come see us on the mats to learn how we can change your life!
  3. Increase Confidence
    • How many ways can we find that practicing martial arts will increase your confidence…let’s go!
      • Practicing martial arts is a form of physical exercise, so your body will change, become fit, and you’ll look fantastic!
      • Our core martial arts disciples combine the physical and mental aspects, which will, in turn, boost your confidence.
      • Learning self-defense will help you feel safer when alone and possibly in a dangerous situation; however, you’ll have the tools to keep you safe and protect yourself.
      • Physical exercise releases dopamine and serotonin into the bloodstream, which are linked to boosting your mood and treating depression.
  4. Better Coordination
    • You can’t get better without practice, right? Martial arts is a great way to work on bodily coordination because it involves your whole body when working out. You’ll work multiple muscle groups that allow you to improve coordination! 
  5. Lower Your Risk of Heart Diseases
    • Exercise gets your blood pumping! That means your circulation to all the important parts of your body is improved. By exercising regularly, the increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body, helping to reduce your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise also helps to lower your blood pressure!
  6. Mental Strength and Focus
    • You’d be surprised how powerful your mind can be. When training in martial arts, we focus not only on the body but also on pushing the limits of our mental strength. Working out brings oxygen to the brain, which allows you to stay in tune with the exercises you are doing. Martial arts requires a lot of thinking and planning, which can come naturally over time!
  7. Specials
    • January is a great time for all kinds of specials—especially physical fitness ones! We have a unique special to offer that’s perfect for kicking butt and getting in shape! We are searching for 40 people to join our 6-week kickboxing challenge! Let us help you become the best version of YOU that YOU can be in 2023! You’ll see results or your money back! Challenge price:  $299/person.
    • Here’s what’s included for 6 weeks:
      • Unlimited classes
      • Understanding nutrition labels
      • General group meal plans
      • Weekly grocery store visit
      • Progress tracking throughout the challenge
      • Access to a private social media group page for Q&A as well as posting results
      • You better believe we’re going to hold you accountable for meeting your goal! It’s only because we care (promise)! Here are our accountability tracking:
      • Must attend 3 classes a week
      • Must be present for weekly weigh-ins
      • Required to post weekly food and exercise log onto Facebook Group Page
  8. Discipline
    • Discipline, both mental and physical, is a result of training in multiple areas of martial arts. We train using real-life scenarios so you can see how important it is to teach your body and mind to react the correct way. Discipline will allow you to gain muscle memory that will kick in if you’re ever in a dangerous situation! 
  9. Pride
    • Have you ever thought about how much your body does to support you? Have you ever finished a workout and felt absolutely exhausted, but you’re still able to complete all bodily functions the same way you did before your workout? I don’t think we emphasize how impressive our bodies are. Be proud of it!! Come take a class at Condition 1 and see how powerful your body is. You can do so much more than you think!
  10. Physical Fitness
    • Weight management, muscle building, muscle toning, and weight loss are all common reasons to start an exercise regimen. And there’s nothing wrong with that! Physical fitness is a powerful tool to change not only your body but also your life. Stick with it! Start achieving your fitness goals today!
  11. Schedule
    • Kicking off the new year with a new schedule will keep you on task to success. January is a great time for self-reflection, and one of the things people use the downtime in January to do is create a schedule. Do yourself a favor and schedule some time for YOU! You deserve it! Check out our class schedule here, https://condition1combat.com/classes/.
  12. Defend Yourself
    • It’s a crazy world we live in. You never know what’s around the corner! Having the skills and knowledge to physically defend yourself against threats can potentially save your life. At Condition 1, we train with real-life scenarios, so you can practice how to defend yourself if need be! We don’t want you to get caught in a dangerous situation with no way how to get out of it!
  13. Personal Growth
    • Setting goals and achieving them is a hard task that is so rewarding in the end. With Condition 1, we don’t just train you and then kick you out the door. We want to hear your goals so we can help you achieve them! It’s not just exercise, it’s personal growth! Let’s get started today.
  14. Perseverance
    • The hardest time to push yourself is when you think you’re at the end of your rope. We promise you, you’re not. Pushing yourself to the end, whether it’s another hit, another 10 seconds in a plank or finishing the class, you’re persevering. And, that’s incredible! At Condition 1, we’ll push you to persevere because the only thing stopping you is yourself!
    • Don’t let today, National Quitters Day, get to you! Keep going and persevere!! You can do it! We know you can!
  15. Security
    • Here at Condition 1, we emphasize self-defense in all our classes. Through doing this, we help you feel more secure in your environment, wherever you may be. We want to give you the tools to keep yourself safe and secure in life. Of course, you’ll also learn so much more about yourself and your limits. So what’s the downside here? We’ll give you a hint: there is none!
  16. Conquer a Goal
    • Setting goals keeps you motivated and encouraged to keep going. Most people have some sort of goal in mind when it comes to physical health and fitness, and we’d love to help you get there.
  17. Calming of the Mind
    • We all have hectic and busy times in our lives that cause a need for some sort of meditation. But we’re not talking about sitting on the floor and counting breaths. We calm our minds through exercise! We have all kinds of classes that can work for you. Let our gym become a place that you can count on to bring you peace
  18. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
    • Aretha Franklin didn’t miss with this one! In all martial arts training, you’ll learn respect for others, for the martial arts environment, and, most importantly, for yourself! It’s time to start throwing some respect back at yourself too! Your body is an amazing vessel that can learn, train and improve if you try. Let’s start today!
  19. Camaraderie
    • Group classes are a great way to make friends and meet new people! We’re a family at Condition 1, and we want you to be a part of it! Our staff would love to welcome you to the mats!
  20. Cardio
    • Everyone talks about getting in their cardio each day. What if you could get in your cardio without stepping foot on a treadmill? When practicing martial arts, you’ll master the art of multi-tasking because you’re constantly doing cardio. It doesn’t matter if it’s Muay Tai, Jiu-Jitsu or Krav Maga, your heart will be pumping, and you’ll get in your cardio for the day!
  21. Stress
    • Life is full of stress! Don’t let working out be one more thing that causes stress! Martial arts is actually known to reduce stress.
  22. Improved Cognitive Health
    • When you exercise and your heart rate increases, you start breathing heavily, which triggers your brain to send more oxygen into your bloodstream. When physical activity is done on a regular basis, the risk of developing cognitive health issues, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease and strokes.
  23. Perception
    • Come visit us once, and let us change your perception of what martial arts is all about! We are not your typical Karate, Krav Maga or any other mixed martial arts school that’s out there. We don’t focus on belt colors, put on a show or even sponsor fighters. Meet us on the mats, and let us show you how we’re different. Your first class is free. Sign up here, https://sparkpages.io/cart/2/?i=_sOL&c=&ocu=.
  24. Inclusion
    • We have something for everyone at any stage of practice. If you are just getting started in martial arts yet have never thrown a punch, or if you’re a Black Belt, we have the class and instructor for you who can take you to the next level. Also, we accept children as young as five (5) years old, so the whole family can attend our school.
  25. Balance
    • Standing on one leg, throwing kicks and learning how to fall properly to avoid injury will all increase your balance. Learning to stabilize yourself on one foot will build your athleticism. With balance, you will be able to perform advanced kicks properly, counter strikes smoothly and increase your kicking power.
  26. Community
    • Are you new to The Woodlands area? Or maybe you work from home and you’re looking for a reason to get out of the house more? Joining a gym like Condition 1 can help you get connected to the community! We have people from all walks of life walk through our doors. Who knows who you’ll meet?
  27. Weapons Training
    • We have classes specially tailored to train you how to safely use your gun or a knife when out in public. The world is scary, and you need to know how to protect yourself if something happens! Additionally, Condition 1 offers training especially for law enforcement and paramedics to help when they’re in the line of duty. If you know someone on the front lines, let them know!
  28. Improved Habits
    • We all know the benefits of exercise, but we still find ourselves not doing it as much as we should. Being consistent is the only way to create a better habit. Turn exercise from a chore into an enjoyable routine by joining a gym that wants the best for you. Getting out of the house and into an environment that pushes you will help you make that change and form a good habit that benefits you in every way.
  29. Diversity
    • Our martial arts style is so different, it’s hard to do the same class twice! The owners, Joe and Tia designed the Condition 1 training program with diversity in mind so you are never bored, and you get well-rounded knowledge and practice in multiple styles of martial arts.
  30. Mental Health
    • It’s proven that exercise works the brain as well as the body, making it a great tool to help combat conditions like anxiety and depression. Moving your body increases blood circulation to the brain, engaging multiple regions of the brain to create a positive feeling. This can improve your mood and motivation, leading to a happier and healthier you. Exercise goes beyond the body!
  31. Be a Badass
    • So, you’ve spent a month going to a gym, learning new skills, pushing your body, probably hitting stuff really hard and you look good doing it. Isn’t that the definition of a badass?!? It is in our dictionary! So keep showing up, keep hitting stuff really hard, keep pushing yourself to new limits. Keep being a badass!

We hope these 31 reasons help you not quit your resolution for this new year. 2023 is going to be a great year! We can feel it coming!! And, remember, KEEP GOING! Don’t quit after January. Keep up with your martial arts training all year! We know you won’t regret it! No one regrets doing a positive, healthy thing in their life! We look forward to seeing you on our mats at Condition 1 Combat Center every day in 2023!






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